JRG Wins Client the Right to Use Private Road Leading to His Property

JRG’s client purchased a large parcel of land in the hills near Soledad, which is accessed by an approximate 2-mile long gravel road that traverses five other properties. The gravel road has been in existence for decades but there are no recorded easements or a road maintenance agreement. After our client built his family home on the parcel, two other landowners blocked his access across their properties, thereby depriving him of access on the gravel road by which to reach his property. JRG negotiated formal easement agreements with three of the other landowners including one of the landowners who initially blocked access. JRG filed suit and obtained a temporary restraining order and then a preliminary injunction against the landowner who continued to block access across their property. Our client now has free access on the entire road to his property and is seeking damages against the defendant landowner who was ordered by the Court to allow access. This matter is being handled by Stephan A. Barber, Director of Litigation, and Ramon de Jesus Rodriguez.